Monday 18 January 2016

'Gastroothie Smoothie'

Its January........ and as most people are..... I'm on a health kick.

So life is good. Ive finished treatment and started back at work. Managed to squeeze a week in Lanzarote. I've never done 'winter sun' before but I'd definitely recommend it and what a great start to the year. Batteries are charged! 

I'm feeling positive and so its a new year with new goals and targets....... 

1. To be cancer free!! 
2. To get life back to 'normal' whatever normal is. 
3. Find some 'me' time every week. 
4. Continue with Yoga
5. Start swimming
6. Kick start a more healthy lifestyle

oh and grow Gastronamis........... 

Laura and I have some fab themed nights coming up which of course we will blog about and share the recipes. 

I'm on a bit of a 'veggie' / 'healthy eating' phase at the moment but the most important part is for the food to taste good (if my other half is going to eat it). I shared with you my absolute favourite veggie recipe 'Harissa Bake' and since then I have been experimenting and have a few more recipes to share. 

I've invested in a 'Nutribullet' (smoothie maker to those that haven't heard of them). I love it. It even grinds nuts and pulses which is a great way of adding key nutrients to your diet.

Anyone who says they don't have time to make a smoothie is lying! 

Ive started the day for the last 2 weeks with a freshly made smoothie, it literally takes 5 mins to make including prep. While my daughter is having her cereals in the morning, I can have a smoothie made and drunk. If you are really organised you can make the night before and save in the fridge for the morning. Its a great way to get a nutrient boost and easy to get a head start on your five a day. I started with a very simple recipe:- 

Banana, Strawberry and Blueberry

- 1 Banana chopped up
- Handfull of strawberries
- Handfull of Blueberries
- half a cup of water (I've also tried with semi skimmed milk and natural yoghurt which tastes amazing and helps add calcium into the diet)

Tomorrow I have made:- 

Pineapple, Raspberry and Banana

- Half a pineapple (to save time I bought the ready prepared pineapple - I know... I'm cheating)
- Handful of fresh raspberries
- 1 Banana
- half a cup of water

I'll post again when I've experimented with a few more recipes. 

The good news is I've lost 3lb this week! may the 'Gastroothie Smoothies' continue............

Louise x

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