Saturday 21 November 2015

Pie night for the oldies!

Its been a good few weeks since I hosted something at home and I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms! The 'Rents' go away soon so thought I better get them round before they go. They aren't particularly over adventurous when it comes to food (not sure if it’s an age thing but unless it's something relatively plain I get the "ooohh that played havoc with my tummy or Oooh that gave me heartburn"! So I thought, let's keep it simple and traditional!

I opted for chicken, bacon & mushroom puff pastry pie with roast potatoes and sticky parmesan green beans - nothing controversial about all that!

Now comes dessert ....... I decided on crème brulee, nice and easy, so I thought so anyway! Desserts aren't particularly my strong point, that's why I always leave it to Louise when we have a get together! The recipe said to use a vanilla pod and scrape it. I've never used a vanilla pod in my life!, I opened it and spent 5 minutes staring at it trying to decide what on earth to do with it! I had to resort to good old Google for some advice! (Even the dog got fed up of me sighing and took himself off for a snooze)!

Then came the hard part, caramelising the top! I'd read somewhere about using a blow torch, there was no chance, I wasn't risking setting fire to my new kitchen! What a stress for such a small dessert! Told you desserts weren't my thing, should have text Louise and asked her to rustle something up for me!

All in all the dinner party was a success, the food went down well and I didn't get any phone calls the next day about tummy aches or heartburn!!

Pie recipe - serves 4

4 rashers of smoked streaky bacon (cut into small strips)
1 garlic clove
2 large chicken breasts (diced)
150g chestnut mushrooms (sliced)
1 tablespoon of plain flour
150 ml hot chicken stock
2 tablespoons single cream
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
Pack of ready - rolled puff pastry sheet


Preheat the oven to 200C/gas mark 6
Fry the chicken, bacon and garlic in a little olive oil. Add the mushrooms and thyme
Once browned add the flour and stir well
Pour in the hot stock and stir in the cream
Simmer for 10-15 mins
Spoon the mixture into a pie dish and cover the top with the pastry. Press the edges down and then trim round the pie dish. Brush over the top with beaten up egg mixture and a splash of milk.  Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes.

For the roasties I always par boil them first.  Once they’ve started to soften, drain them and then shake lightly in the pan (remember to put the lid on first or they’ll be on the floor!).  Add a little olive oil and then place on a hot oiled baking tray and roast for about 40 mins.

Finally the green beans. Boil and when they’re ready, drain and keep warm.  In a separate saucepan heat up a little extra virgin olive oil and fry some chopped up garlic. Add the green beans and stir well. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice, about 150g of grated parmesan and 2 tablespoons of hot water.  The cheese goes all sticky over the beans, yum!


I have to say I cheated a little here and used the recipe on the BBC Goodfood website (look it up)!.  They suggest serving with an almond puff pastry stick which I did. Really easy and great for dipping into the brulee! 


Laura x

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