Sunday 29 November 2015

Slow cook Sunday....... Beef in a marsala and mushroom sauce

I love slow cooker Sundays!  You can literally throw a load of ingredients into the pot, switch it on and go out and enjoy your Sunday, its as easy as that (not exaggerating either)!

I tend to make most slow cooker meals with meat in. I buy all my meat from the local butcher now. It's cheaper and such good quality. I like to support the small local businesses too! This Sunday I bought two big pieces of beef casserole steak and slow cooked them in a marsala and mushroom sauce.  Sounds really posh but its not and it took me 10 mins to prepare!

Serves 2


2 medium sized beef casserole steaks
Plain flour
Olive oil
1 onion finely chopped
200ml marsala
300ml beef stock
3tbsp Worcester sauce
1 1\2 tsp wholegrain mustard
3\4 tsp dried rosemary
Small pack of portabello mushrooms sliced
Small pack of button mushrooms cut in half
120ml double cream
Heaped tablespoon of gravy powder mixed with 3tbsp of water


  • Coat the beef in flour on both sides.
  • Heat some olive oil in a frying pan and cook the beef on both sides just until the meat is browned. Remove from the pan.
  • Fry the onions in a bit more olive oil and add the marsala until it starts to boil.
  • Pour the onion and marsala into your slow cooker pot then stir in the beef stock, worcester sauce, mustard and rosemary.
  • Place the beef pieces on top of the sauce then add in the mushrooms and cook!
Cook on a low heat for 8 hours or a high heat for 4-5 hours. 
About 15 minutes before you are ready to serve take the beef put and keep warm then add in the cream and gravy mix to thicken up the sauce. 

I served with sweet potato mash and green beans.

Ps, if you've got some of the sauce left over freeze it and use it when you next have sausage and mash!

Laura x

Some more Christmas planning ......... Mini sausage rolls

The weathers not been great today so decided to get a bit more prepared for Christmas and make some sausage rolls for the freezer.

Alice absolutely loves them so had to make sure we made plenty! She makes such a good little commis chef (hubbie wasn't too bad either)! A great bit of fun family time in the kitchen with a bit of Christmas music on in the background to get us in the mood!

Bit of cleaning up to do!

Looking at how they've turned out there's not much 'mini' about them!!


1 small garlic clove crushed
Teaspoon of dried parsley
500g sausage meat
Pack of ready to roll puff pastry
1 egg beaten


  • Preheat oven to 200c/180c fan/gas mark 6
  • Crush the garlic and mix with a pinch of salt, parsley and 2 tablespoons of water
  • Put the sausage meat in a bowl and mix in the garlic paste
  • Roll out the pastry into a large rectangle. Cut in half length ways
  • Divide the sausage mix along the length of each pastry strip (leave 1cm each end). 
  • Tightly roll the pastry round the sausage mix and brush the ends with the egg mix.
  • Cut each roll into 12 and then put on a baking tray and brush with the rest of the egg mix.
  • Bake in the oven for 30 mins
Laura x

Friday 27 November 2015

Spicy Roasted Chic Pea Wraps - Ready in 30 mins!

Its Friday night and I wanted something tasty (excuse to open a bottle with a nice meal), but quick to make......... Eryn has tennis on a Friday which never leaves me a lot of time to prep. Chris said he'd been looking forward to this meal all week........ this put the pressure on for a tasty dish! 
This dish was ready on the table within 30 mins including prep time! Oh and did I mention how healthy this dish is?! Excuse for 2 glasses???


Louise x


- Packet of wholemeal tortilla wraps
- Iceburg or little gem lettuce
- 1 Red onion
- 1 Jar of Roasted red peppers
- 6 x Cherry tomatoes
- 200g Chic Peas (tinned or carton)
- 2 tsp Cumin
- 2 tsp Smoked Paprika
- 2 tsp Olive Oil
- Fresh or dried coriander
- 3 Large red potatoes
- Dried Italian herbs
- Salt and pepper
- Dips- sour cream and chive/ Tomato salsa


- Preheat oven to 200C
- Take the potatoes and slice into wedges with the skin on. Place in a dish. Coat in olive oil. 
- Sprinkle on some dried Italian herbs until coated. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper. Coat. 
- Lay on a preheated baking tray and place in the oven for 25 - 30 mins.  
- Place the chic peas in a bowl and add 2 tsp of olive oil, 2 tsp cumin and 2 tsp of smoked paprika.mix together until the chic peas are coated. Place on a preheated baking tray and bake in the oven for 20-25 mins. 
- While the potatoes and chic peas are in the oven - slice up the lettuce and place in a serving dish, dice a red onion and mix with chopped coriander - place in a serving dish, quarter the cherry tomatoes and place in a serving dish, place the dips in serving dishes, slice up the roasted red peppers and place into serving dishes. 
-5 mins before serving- warm the wraps as per packet instructions. 
- When the potatoes and chic peas are ready - place into serving dishes. 

Ready........... mmmmmm

Getting ready for Christmas!

I’m soooooooo excited!  I absolutely love this time of year when you can start thinking about all the lovely food you want to have in December.  I like to be organised and not leave everything until the week before Christmas so this week I decided to make some mince pies to put in the freezer along with some red onion chutney.

Alice loves mince pies and she loves helping me in the kitchen so I thought I’d tie it in with a bit of mummy-daughter time.

Guess which ones Alice made……………….!

As for chutney I’ve never made it before in my life so now that I love cooking and I especially love Christmas now seemed like the right time to start.

I love cooking for all the family on Christmas day. Everyone’s stuffed after lunch but by 6 o’clock in our house the cheese and biscuits are usually out. Chutney, cheese, biscuits, celery – my idea of heaven! (Dad usually likes to wash his down with a glass of port or two). 

So I’m opting out of shop bought chutney this year, it’s going to be homemade and hopefully really tasty.

I’ve really getting into the Christmas spirit now. I’ll shortly be deciding on my Christmas day canapés and lunch menu which I’ll share with you all soon, watch this space ………

Mince Pies:

Makes 12


200g plain flour
50g unsalted butter
1 tbsp caster sugar
Jar of mincemeat
1 egg beaten
Demerara sugar


Preheat the oven to 190c/gas mark 5

Sift the flour into a bowl, add in the butter and rub between your fingers until it looks like breadcrumbs. Mix in the caster sugar. Add 1 tbsp of cold water and mix into a dough.

Roll out onto a floured surface. Use the right size pastry cutter for your bun tray and press out 12 rounds. Put them into the bun try and fill each of them with a teaspoon of mincemeat. Use a slightly small pastry cutter and press out 12 smaller rounds. Put the tops on and then brush over with beaten egg. Sprinkle each of them with a small amount of demerara sugar and then bake in the oven for 20 minutes until golden in colour.

Leave to cool and then put in your freezer ready for Christmas. One less job to do!



This recipe was enough to fill 2 medium sized kilner jars.

6 red onions
1 red chilli (de-seeded)
1 bay leaf
Olive oil
200g soft brown sugar
2 teaspoons of mustard seeds
150ml balsamic vinegar
150ml red wine vinegar


Chop the onions into thin slices and then half again. Finely chop the chilli.
Fry the onion, chilli and bay leaf in olive oil for about 20 minutes.
Add in the sugar and vinegars, mustard seeds and simmer for another 30 minutes.
Pour into the sterilised kilner jars and let them cool.
You can then put them away ready for Christmas.  Perfect idea for a Christmas hamper too!

Laura x

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Absolute favourite Veggie Meal - Harissa Bake with Feta and Pine Nuts

I’m going to share with you now one of my absolute favourite vegetarian dishes ( but it can also work well with the addition of chicken, chorizo or pork). I came up with this during my ‘I’m now a vegetarian stage’ of my life. I wanted to create something that was healthy but most importantly tasty if I was going to get Chris to buy into the whole vegetarian eating. Its so easy to make, its ideal as a mid week meal. i've cooked this for Chris before and several of my friends. I’ve just made this after completing day 7 of radiotherapy. So if I can do this then anyone can. I use all organic vegetables and meat where I can but you don’t have to.


Louise x

Ingredients for serves 4
2 onions – diced
Approx 8 chestnut mushrooms
1 yellow pepper
1 red pepper
1 200g carton of chic peas
Half courgette
1 x tins of chopped tomatoes
1x 90g jar of Harissa paste (you could make your own but this is quicker and just as tasty)
Feta Cheese  - approx. 100-150g
Pine nuts


1. Preheat the oven to 200°C - fan
2. Add a drizzle of olive oil to a canhhsserole dish.
3. Add onion and coat in the oil. 
4. Place in the preheated oven for 5 mins.
5. Add the peppers (chicken if you are using it) and coat in the oil.
6. Put back into the oven and bake for a further 10 mins.
7. Turn down the oven to 180°C. Add the sliced mushrooms, 2 tins of chopped     tomatoes and the jar of harissa paste. Season with salt and pepper. Add ½ tsp of smoked paprika. Stir altogether. 
8. Place in the oven and bake for 15 - 20 mins until veg is soft. 
9. Add the sliced courgettes and bake for a further 5 mins.
10. Turn on the grill
11. Crumble feta cheese across the surface and sprinkle with pine nuts.
12. Place the casserole dish under the grill for approx. 5 mins until the feta and pine nuts have browned. (this can be done in the oven if you don’t want to use the grill)

Monday 23 November 2015

It's beginning to feel abit like Christmas ........

It's official, I'm starting to feel a tiny bit christmassy now, must be the cold weather!

I love going out as a family on a Sunday so don't have that much time to cook when I get back. Yesterday I wanted to try something a little bit different and that wasn't going to take too long to do.

I came across a recipe in a food magazine I recently bought 'venison sausage casserole with chestnuts'. It was sooooo tasty and something I'd definitely cook again. Easy as well. I had loads of carrots left in my fridge so just added those in as well. 

A great dish for getting you into the Christmas foodie mood!

Serves 4


Olive oil
8 venison sausages 
2 onions thinly sliced
3 celery sticks thinly sliced
2 carrots chopped up
200g chestnut mushrooms (halved and quartered)
1/2 pint red wine
Beef stock cube
180g cooked chestnuts
2tbsp tomato purée
Bay leaf
2 tbsp cornflour


Heat some olive in a large frying pan and fry the sausages. 
Cook until browned then transfer into a casserole dish.
Next fry the onions, celery and carrots. Cook for about 5 minutes and transfer into the casserole dish.
Cook the mushrooms in a little more olive oil for 5 minutes and mix into the casserole dish. Pour in the wine, 250ml of beef stock and the cooked chestnuts, tomato puree and bay leaf and mix everything together. I then cooked in the oven for about half an hour at 180c. About 10 mins before the end I mixed 2 tbsp of cornflour with a bit of water and mixed it into the casserole just to thicken it up. 

I served with mash potato. 

Laura x

Saturday 21 November 2015

Pie night for the oldies!

Its been a good few weeks since I hosted something at home and I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms! The 'Rents' go away soon so thought I better get them round before they go. They aren't particularly over adventurous when it comes to food (not sure if it’s an age thing but unless it's something relatively plain I get the "ooohh that played havoc with my tummy or Oooh that gave me heartburn"! So I thought, let's keep it simple and traditional!

I opted for chicken, bacon & mushroom puff pastry pie with roast potatoes and sticky parmesan green beans - nothing controversial about all that!

Now comes dessert ....... I decided on crème brulee, nice and easy, so I thought so anyway! Desserts aren't particularly my strong point, that's why I always leave it to Louise when we have a get together! The recipe said to use a vanilla pod and scrape it. I've never used a vanilla pod in my life!, I opened it and spent 5 minutes staring at it trying to decide what on earth to do with it! I had to resort to good old Google for some advice! (Even the dog got fed up of me sighing and took himself off for a snooze)!

Then came the hard part, caramelising the top! I'd read somewhere about using a blow torch, there was no chance, I wasn't risking setting fire to my new kitchen! What a stress for such a small dessert! Told you desserts weren't my thing, should have text Louise and asked her to rustle something up for me!

All in all the dinner party was a success, the food went down well and I didn't get any phone calls the next day about tummy aches or heartburn!!

Pie recipe - serves 4

4 rashers of smoked streaky bacon (cut into small strips)
1 garlic clove
2 large chicken breasts (diced)
150g chestnut mushrooms (sliced)
1 tablespoon of plain flour
150 ml hot chicken stock
2 tablespoons single cream
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
Pack of ready - rolled puff pastry sheet


Preheat the oven to 200C/gas mark 6
Fry the chicken, bacon and garlic in a little olive oil. Add the mushrooms and thyme
Once browned add the flour and stir well
Pour in the hot stock and stir in the cream
Simmer for 10-15 mins
Spoon the mixture into a pie dish and cover the top with the pastry. Press the edges down and then trim round the pie dish. Brush over the top with beaten up egg mixture and a splash of milk.  Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes.

For the roasties I always par boil them first.  Once they’ve started to soften, drain them and then shake lightly in the pan (remember to put the lid on first or they’ll be on the floor!).  Add a little olive oil and then place on a hot oiled baking tray and roast for about 40 mins.

Finally the green beans. Boil and when they’re ready, drain and keep warm.  In a separate saucepan heat up a little extra virgin olive oil and fry some chopped up garlic. Add the green beans and stir well. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice, about 150g of grated parmesan and 2 tablespoons of hot water.  The cheese goes all sticky over the beans, yum!


I have to say I cheated a little here and used the recipe on the BBC Goodfood website (look it up)!.  They suggest serving with an almond puff pastry stick which I did. Really easy and great for dipping into the brulee! 


Laura x

Friday 20 November 2015

Birthday Dessert - Sticky Toffee Pud

We were at the ‘Mals’ on Saturday night for Chris’ birthday meal.  Louise, being the good wife that she is wanted to cook his favourite meal. She left me in charge of dessert……. sticky toffee pud, yum!  It’s always been a favourite of mine, a good old traditional pud and so easy to do.

Only slight hiccup was when it came to cooking them - some fool had turned the oven down to 50c which would explain why the puds hadn’t risen after nearly an hour in the oven!! Maybe too much wine consumed beforehand!

Eventually after an hour’s delay dessert was served and everyone loved it. Mal said it was the best sticky pud he’d ever had.  The slight cooking cockup was worth it in the end!

Great night!

Fab good with fab friends! 

Laura X


Serves 6

6oz soft unsalted butter
6oz light soft brown sugar
6oz self raising flour
2 eggs
4 tbsp milk
8oz toffees
½ pint double cream


Pre-heat over to 180c
Put the butter, flour, eggs and milk into a bowl and mix up using an electric whisk
Grease 6 ramekins with abit of butter
Divide the mixture up between the 6 ramekins

Place the ramekins into a roasting tray and pour boiling water so it comes half way up the side of the ramekins.
Cover with foil and bake for about 30 minutes.

For the toffee sauce, heat the toffees and double cream in a saucepan until you get a smooth sauce.
Once the puds are ready use a knife to go round the edge and tip upside down onto a serving plate.
Pour over the toffee sauce and serve with custard or ice-cream.

Enjoy  x

Chris' Birthday Meal

Here we are............. Our first of many blogs to bring you recipe ideas, shared theme nights and adding the 'fun' back into cooking, because 'food tastes better with friends'

Eryn went to ballet and Chris went for a run….. I got to have some ‘me time’. I like nothing better than turning on my music (James Bay album today) as loud as it can possibly go, putting my apron on and having a good session in the kitchen!
It was my turn to make the starter and the main. Laura made the dessert. The theme was ‘Chris’ birthday meal’. I cooked his favourite which is not particularly complicated but it’s all about the timings……
Stuffed Portabello Mushrooms
Ingredients – serves 4
4 large Portobello Mushrooms
½ Onion – diced finely
Knob of butter
½ tsp Dijon Mustard
80g soft cheese
20g Parmesan & extra for topping.
200ml double cream
10g Dried Porcini mushrooms & 100ml water
Panko breadcrumbs
Crushed garlic cloves - 2

  • The sauce can be made in advance.
  •  Add the dried mushrooms to 100ml of water and  leave to soak for minimum 30 mins.
  •  Put a knob of butter (25g ish) into a sauce pan. Melt on a low heat and add the finely diced onions, salt, pepper and crushed garlic. Cook until soft but not brown. Approx. 5 mins.
  • Add the Dijon mustard. Stir.
  • Add the dried mushroom mix with the water – this will be a dark brown colour. Boil for 2 mins.
  • Turn down the heat. Add the double cream and stir.
  • Fold in the soft cheese and cook until melted.
  • Add the parmesan cheese and cook until melted.
  • Cook on a low heat for approx. 10 mins to reduce down.
  • Put to one side.
  • 15 mins before you want the starter – fill the mushrooms
  • Preheat the oven to 180°
  • Peel the mushrooms and remove the stalk from the middle.
  • Pour some vegetable oil into a bowl and dip the outside of the mushroom into the oil to coat. 
  • Place the mushrooms faced upwards onto a baking tray.
  • Spoon in the sauce you made earlier covering the surface of the mushroom.
  • Sprinkle on some breadcrumbs and top with parmesan.
  • Add to a preheated oven and cook for approx. 10 mins or until golden brown on top.

Fillet Steak with Italian Roasted Potato, Wild Mushroom sauce and Roasted Cherry Tomatoes 

Wild Mushroom sauce
½ onion – diced
Sliced organic chestnut mushrooms (they don’t have to be organic)
Dijon mustard
Salt and pepper
2 garlic cloves crushed
Double Cream

Method for sauce:

  • Hydrate the dried mushrooms in the water for 30 mins.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the diced onion and garlic and cook on a low heat until soft.
  • Add the sliced mushrooms.
  • Season with salt and pepper and mustard
  • Add the dried porcini mushrooms with the liqueur.
  • Add the Dijon mustard and double cream.
  • Add the thyme
  • Cook for 8 mins until reduced. Put to one side.
  • Preheat the oven to 200°C fan with a baking tray inside.
  • Get the steak out of the fridge half an hour before wanting to cook with it and leave it to breath. Do not season at this stage as it will draw out the moisture from the meat.
  • Cut the potatoes into wedges and add into a large bowl. Drizzle the vegetable oil over the wedges, salt, pepper and Italian seasoning.
  • Mix together and lay out on the preheated baking tray. Add to the oven and cook for approx. 35- 40 mins until golden brown.
  • Take the cherry tomatoes on the vine and add them to a roasting dish. Drizzle over the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Add to the oven 8-10 mins before serving or after the potatoes have been for 25 mins.
  • Everyone has their steak cooked differently and every steak is cut to different thicknesses so these cooking times are a guide. Please cook until you are happy with it. This was very stressful. I sprinkled the steaks with sea salt just before putting them in the pan.The well done steak I cooked in the frying pan for 6 mins both sides and added to the oven. I then started to cook the medium steak for 4 mins both sides then added to the oven. They finished off cooking in the oven for another 5 mins.
  • The wild mushroom sauce I made in advance – see above. Reheat in the pan just before serving.
  • The peas I put on 5 mins before serving.

Plate it all up on warm plates! I had everyone talking and drinking in the background, the 2 girls running around asking questions and I was trying to get 4 different components ready at the same time trying to make sure I’d got all the timings right! It was worth it though.

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