Tuesday 12 April 2016

Afternoon snack - homemade houmous

I'm trying to eat really well at the moment ready for my holiday next month. I get home mid-afternoon after doing the school run and really have to resist opening the biscuit tin! I love houmous so decided to make my own and have it with cucumber and pepper sticks. It's so easy to make and healthy and even better, it puts you on until teatime!

Possibly something the kids might like too. I didn't think Alice would but she surprised me!

You would usually put some tahini paste in when you make it but I didn't have any, didn't miss it though because it was still really tasty.

Small tin of chickpeas (drained)
1/2 tsp garlic
A few glugs of lemon juice and olive oil
1/2 tsp cumin and 1/2 paprika

Literally blend it all up and keep adding a bit of water in until it's like a paste.

What's left over is fine in the fridge for a good few days.

Laura x

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